Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'd like a list of perenials that bloom a long time that are good for shaddy areas or maybe part sun?

First thing you need to know is that perennials do not devote their lives to blooms like annuals do. They will bloom 3-6 weeks a year, depending upon the type of perennial you have. But knowing this, you can buy a variety of plants with staggered blooming times so that you will have something in flower all year. I do not know where you live but please go to the following website for a list of plants that like part sun to shady areas: Then click on the link for Landscape, Garden and Indoor Plants, then scroll to the bottom of the page and look for handout #1716 on Plants For Shade. If nothing else, it is a list of plants that like shade and you can find the ones that will grow in your area.

Have fun!

But for a partial list: Bearfoot hellebore (Helleborus foetidus), Lenten Rose (Helleborus x hybridus) Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum species), Toad lily [[a type of orchid]] (Tricyrtis speccies), Astilbe, Hardy Begonia, Foxglove (Digitalis species) Ferns [[Japanese Painted Fern and Ghost Ferns are really pretty]], Creeping Wood Phlox (Phlox stolonifera), Indian Pinks (Spigelia marilandica), Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) and Violets (Violet species)I'd like a list of perenials that bloom a long time that are good for shaddy areas or maybe part sun?
My favorites are Four-O'Clocks! They bloom in shade and are drought tolerant. They make lots of seeds and also grow back every year. Peonies are good. Also Lantana (but they may not grow in your area) Bulbs of all varieties are also nice. Good luck!I'd like a list of perenials that bloom a long time that are good for shaddy areas or maybe part sun? of my very favorites .. great for shade or in part sun.. don't bloom a super long time, but have beautiful sprays of flowers and even when it's not blooming, the foliage comes in many colors and is just as beautiful.

Pulmonaria also has varied and beautiful splotchy foliage...good in shade and blooms a long time in Spring..mine in NY started in April and just finished blooming now.

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