Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do you make a cactus bloom?

The major factor is to make sure it gets a lot of sun and not too much feeding. Keep it moist in the summer, put it outside where it can get maximum sun. In winter bring it in and don't water it too much - once a month should be OK.

These plants come from very sunny and dry places so they need as near as possible their natural conditions.How do you make a cactus bloom?
Depends on the type of cactus it is...some only bloom once in 100 years! Truly! Your average cactus will bloom up to ten years later from when first planted as a teeny one. They are slow growers so don't hold your breath.

I have had one for 5 years and am still waiting, knowing full well it will; be another 5 years. That is just the species it is. Yours might flower earlier or later. Some do flower every year, but as the other answer said, you do need the right conditions.

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