Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why won't my Carolina Jasmine plant bloom?

When I bought it in the spring it had lots %26amp; lots of pretty yellow blooms. As soon as the weather started getting hotter (east Tx 90 degrees and sometimes hotter especially July %26amp; Aug ) no more blooms. I've fed it special fertilizer for blooming plants monthly but no blooms. It's still real green and healthy looking otherwise. Any ideas?Why won't my Carolina Jasmine plant bloom?
Well, sorry to break the news..... Carolina Jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) blooms only once a year. In SoCal, here it blooms in late winter. It will be green all winter. But don't expect it to bloom again until next year :-)Why won't my Carolina Jasmine plant bloom?
It sounds crazy, but stick it in your garage for a while and water half as frequently. Especially if you have a window in your garage. Mine does this too and that's what does the trick. Not sure why, but it works for me. Hope it will work for you.

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