Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If i plant flowering bulbs will they bloom this year?

It depends on the type of bulbs. Gladiolus takes at least 8 weeks. Tulips 12 weeks plus.If i plant flowering bulbs will they bloom this year?
It depends. If they are summer flowering (glads, daylillies, etc) then they probally will.

If they are spring ones, maybe not - unless you got them planted earlier than this.

Keep in mind that some flowering bulbs - like calla lillies and glads - cannot withstand harsh winters and must be dug up, strored in peat, and then replanted next year.

If you aren't sure, you can either wait and see or do a search specific to the types of bulbs you planted.If i plant flowering bulbs will they bloom this year?
If you've planted them at the correct time, and to the correct depth and other specifications (as specified on their packet, by the people who sold them to you, or as deliniated in a book or website that contains information about planting bulbs in your area) then yes, you should get flowers at the time they are next due to flower. Mass plantings of bulbs are most successful, as you'll then get a bunch of foliage and blooms, rather than lone little plants. Bear in mind though, that over time, if kept in the ground constantly, the bulbs will eventually divide and create more bulbs, essentially giving you a massed-planting look. This takes a number of years to happen though.

Hope this is helpful! Good luck! :-)

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