Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Orlando Bloom robbed of half a mil. Will it make the news when next year everyone who earns a million is...?

...considering the new tax rates?Orlando Bloom robbed of half a mil. Will it make the news when next year everyone who earns a million is...?
The house is proposing tax rate hikes on those making over $350K a year. Highest levels in 3 decades. Another broken Obama promise.

NY City s looking at a tax rate of almost 60% for those who make more than a million a year.鈥?/a> Bloom robbed of half a mil. Will it make the news when next year everyone who earns a million is...?
Only income is taxed. The wealthy have the ability to live on their amassed money, and reduce their income, thereby avoiding new taxes. They can also make their losses equal their income in their investments, causing a net income of 0, again avoiding new taxes.

However, by forcing them to avoid theses new taxes, they will not be stimulating the economy with their investments (working capitol for business)

To get at the wealth of the wealthy, the government will have to seize the assets of the wealthy, which would be bad news for the rights of all Americans.
I really Love Orland bloom in movies ; and that is too bad .

But You Know Republicans never seem to mind robbing the pay checks of hard working blue collar workers so why should I care when people who can actually afford the tax get hit . As a Matter of fact I do not care .

And these Big corporations can threaten all they want . But honestly who will buy their products if Not Americans ?
The National debt just topped a trillion dollars. Obama's health care plan will cost $1.6 trillion over 10 years. 85% of it won't be spent until the last 2 years That means the health care plan will be far to expensive within 10 years. Not even the mega rich will be able to pay that bill. They will be coming after all our money in the near future.
Sorry sheeple, wealthy people in NY will pay nearly 60% in taxes under Obamanomics. Think they'll stay in state and accept that? LOL! Hardly. Good luck finding someone to pay your labor union pensions!鈥?/a>
We should just slip a 50 - 60% tax rate on entertainers and be done with it. Oprah, sports figures, actors, artists, muscians etc. You know, the people who bring no real value to America, collect a big fat pay check and then tell us how to live our lives.
No. And what new tax rates??? Haven't seen any yet, nor has anyone else for that matter. The only thing we will see is a return to pre W levels (39% up from current 36%) for the wealthiest of Americans next year.
That would mean taxes would be at a 86% rate...Currently for people earning that much its 36%, in order to have an additional ';half a million'; stolen from them, it would need to be increased by 50%.
With the inflation Odummy will create together with Democrats in congress, everyone will be paying $1,000,000 to buy a loaf of bread!!!!!
oh you poor baby what on earth will you do! my goodness the world must stop because you pay more in taxes. i guess the health care system will be overrun now because of the depression i will feel due to your increased taxes.
im not sure but here is more info on it..
Beverly, the effective tax-rate for many is already above 50%.

rob Peter to pay Paul...
Oddly enough, he was robbed by George Bush because he can't get a job.
Yes, that will take the spotlight to hide the Universal Child-Care Bill.
he can make a toothpaste commercial and get that all back.
who did u hear this from?
No one is proposing a 50% tax rate. Note even close.

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